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Good day with bad to follow

Yesterday was a good day, I took the boys to a local park to play for an hour, we then went to McDonald's for happy meals. After the Happy meals were eaten we went to a local supermarket to grab some things for dinner and pull ups for my 3 1/2 year old. He potty trained himself before he turned 3, but night times are still  challenge.
The dinner I made was great and I was told to definitely make it again, but then crescent roll Philly cheese-stakes just sounds delicious. 
I had hardly any tics yesterday, in fact they didn't start up at all until around 9 PM or so. They weren't bad so I didn't take any medicine, I wish I had though, because right before I went to bed they really kicked in. I managed to get some sleep, but as soon as I woke up this morning my tics wear rearing their ugly little head again. I started the day off with medication. That is never a good start, at least not for me.
I am hoping and praying that my day only gets better. After my classes get out today I am going to be spending a few hours with Jeff since he has the day off. That will help, he is such a good guy and caring boyfriend, he always makes me fill better. Maybe we can go to the farm or hang out around Tonkawa Falls, A local waterfall/ RV park. Outside time is always soothing to me and I love Texas in the spring.
